
Clearly articulating an idea is a significant challenge for founders and startups. When pitching, you must convince your audience of your business idea in a short amount of time. You need to present your uniqueness and the added value of your product clearly. The challenge lies in optimally communicating all the essential information about your business idea without overwhelming with just numbers and facts. Let’s elevate your pitch together and captivate your audience.

Startup Consulting.

Clear communication enables efficient processes and structured workflows. In a young company, communication is the key to success. Founders and startups often lack the understanding and experience in leading growing teams and delegating tasks, which often leads to misunderstandings within the team. Additionally, I support you in business modeling, business planning, and finding partners, customers, or investors. Together, we can build your startup successfully and ensure sustainable growth.

Innovation Facilitation.

Innovations require not only creative ideas but also structured implementation. Through clear communication and targeted facilitation, I support teams in developing and implementing innovative solutions. Acting as a Design Thinking Coach, I lead workshops and sprints and also undertake long-term project accompaniment. I help channel ideas, optimize processes, and promote team collaboration. This way, new approaches can be effectively realized. Let’s work together to bring your innovation projects to life and future-proof your company.